• deep record cleaning with sonic option

    Records are valuable and prized, containing within their tiny grooves probably the highest form of art and expression that our civilisation can muster. They deserve sympathetic care to preserve and maintain their sound quality. Sound quality that many, (this scribe included) believe has yet to be bettered by digital recording and playback. For the really enthusiastic audiophiles a record cleaning machine is an essential piece of equipment to ensure vivid and noise free play back of your vinyl. As well as extending their lifespan, so maybe future generations may sample "the golden ages" of Classical, Jazz, Rock, Blues, Country, Folk .........................

    The Sonic refers to a sonic option, in which sonic vibrations enable deep cleaning while being gentle and almost noise free. Variable speed operation and static electricity removal as part of the cleaning process ensure perfect results.


  • Degritter – ultrasonic record cleaning

    Records are valuable and prized, containing within their tiny grooves probably the highest form of art and expression that our civilisation can muster. They deserve sympathetic care to preserve and maintain their sound quality. Sound quality that many, (this scribe included) believe has yet to be bettered by digital recording and playback. For the really enthusiastic audiophiles a record cleaning machine is an essential piece of equipment to ensure vivid and noise free play back of your vinyl. As well as extending their lifespan, so maybe future generations may sample “the golden ages” of Classical, Jazz, Rock, Blues, Country, Folk …………………….

    The Ultrasonic method is proclaimed by many, as by far the most thorough and superior LP cleaning system available. The Degritter is now available at Revolution Turntable. Give us a call to arrange a demonstration.


  • Micro dust, finger prints and contaminants can and will cause wear and tear to your records and stylus, also they will diminish sound quality. Aside from the clicks and pops there will be a loss of detail, opaque background and reduced dynamics. Audio Technica’s AT6012 Record Care Kit is designed to gently remove contaminates while improving record fidelity and tracking.

    Anyone coming into our boutique to purchase this effective Record Cleaning Kit will get a demonstration on how to correctly clean an LP. And as a bonus, we will include, at no extra charge, a neat storage container to keep the brush from drying out between applications.

  • The Audio-Technica AT634 Record Care Solution is used to clean and preserve vinyl records.

    The solution is best used when applied with a felt brush.

    More fluid for when the first bottle runs out.

    • One bottle as supplied with AT6012 record care kit
    • Two ounces - 60ml
    • Plain Jane bottle
  • The AT607 stylus cleaning fluid extends both stylus and record life. The special cleaning formula dissolves dust and dirt known to hinder proper tracking. An applicator brush is attached to the cap for ease of use.



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