Harbeth sound.

Enjoy natural sound at home.

Harbeth was established forty years prior to popularising the BBC’s loudspeaker R&D. An incredible beginning, however, is just the initial step of our excursion towards the ideal sound. The present Harbeth speakers are substantially more straightforward, more clear, more powerful, more open, and all the more genuine in light of the fact that the empowering innovation – for example, the selective RADIAL™ innovation – has made that conceivable. We’ve joined each authentic progression into the most recent Harbeth speakers which are, as you’ll hear yourself, in the class of their own for common sound.

Harbeth is one of the best sounding speakers you could ever own.

Floating towards claiming Harbeth speakers is regularly, we’re told, an individual excursion settled on after other at last unsuitable decisions. We see, however, there is an alternate route. At the point when the craving to put music first, disappearing to the farthest corners of the melodic globe from the security and solace of your home gets basic to your prosperity, it would be ideal if you permit our sellers to show exactly how exceptional the Harbeth experience is. 

The loudspeaker family goes from the smaller P3ESR model straight up to the strong leader, i.e. Monitor 40.3 flagship. All are accessible in the wonderful facade, and all inhale with the world acclaimed, open, common.

Amazing clarity and astonishing bass from beautiful shoe boxed sized speakers. Our loudspeakers sound perfect closer to live music.


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